Prisms Communications Apps

JISA School 3.0
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool JISA in your school please visit our• Notification: Schools are able to send messages to parentsregarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or even specificmessage. Parents can set reminder against each notification theyreceive. School is also able to send attachments like document,excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages.•Fees: Complete Fee details of a student is available toparents directly on their smartphone. Details of paid fees andpending fees makes job of parents and school easy.•Gallery: Now School can share photos of all special eventsheld at school, with all the parents of school. Now share thehappiness with parents and make them more happy.•Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid.•Attendance: Now get your kids attendance details for allhis/her school days onto your smartphone. Receive Instantnotification when he/she is absent.•Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid.PRISMS Communications
Riverdale 1.1.8
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool Riverdale in your school please visit our• Notification: Schools are able to send messages to parentsregarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or even specificmessage. Parents can set reminder against each notification theyreceive. School is also able to send attachments like document,excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages.•Fees: Complete Fee details of a student is available toparents directly on their smartphone. Details of paid fees andpending fees makes job of parents and school easy.•Gallery: Now School can share photos of all special eventsheld at school, with all the parents of school. Now share thehappiness with parents and make them more happy.•Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid.•Attendance: Now get your kids attendance details for allhis/her school days onto your smartphone. Receive Instantnotification when he/she is absent.•Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid.PRISMS Communications
Gaikwad Global School 1.1.9
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool Gaikwad Global Schoolin your school please visit ourwebsite• Notification: Schools are able to send messages to parentsregarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or even specificmessage. Parents can set reminder against each notification theyreceive. School is also able to send attachments like document,excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages.•Fees: Complete Fee details of a student is available toparents directly on their smartphone. Details of paid fees andpending fees makes job of parents and school easy.•Gallery: Now School can share photos of all special eventsheld at school, with all the parents of school. Now share thehappiness with parents and make them more happy.•Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid.•Attendance: Now get your kids attendance details for allhis/her school days onto your smartphone. Receive Instantnotification when he/she is absent.•Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid.PRISMS Communications
Shloka Birla 1.1.6
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool in your school please visit our website• Notification: Schools are able to send messages to parentsregarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or even specificmessage. Parents can set reminder against each notification theyreceive. School is also able to send attachments like document,excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages.•Fees: Complete Fee details of a student is available toparents directly on their smartphone. Details of paid fees andpending fees makes job of parents and school easy.•Gallery: Now School can share photos of all special eventsheld at school, with all the parents of school. Now share thehappiness with parents and make them more happy.•Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid.•Attendance: Now get your kids attendance details for allhis/her school days onto your smartphone. Receive Instantnotification when he/she is absent.•Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid.PRISMS Communications
Udaan Junior 1.2.0
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool Udaan Junior in your school please visit our • Notification: Schools are able to send messages toparents regarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or evenspecific message. Parents can set reminder against eachnotification they receive. School is also able to send attachmentslike document, excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages. •Fees:Complete Fee details of a student is available to parents directlyon their smartphone. Details of paid fees and pending fees makesjob of parents and school easy. •Gallery: Now School can sharephotos of all special events held at school, with all the parentsof school. Now share the happiness with parents and make them morehappy. •Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid. •Attendance: Nowget your kids attendance details for all his/her school days ontoyour smartphone. Receive Instant notification when he/she isabsent. •Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid. PRISMS Communications
Orbit International School 1.0.5
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool Orbit International School in your school please visitour website • Notification: Schools are able to sendmessages to parents regarding Daily Homework, School Announcementsor even specific message. Parents can set reminder against eachnotification they receive. School is also able to send attachmentslike document, excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages. •Fees:Complete Fee details of a student is available to parents directlyon their smartphone. Details of paid fees and pending fees makesjob of parents and school easy. •Gallery: Now School can sharephotos of all special events held at school, with all the parentsof school. Now share the happiness with parents and make them morehappy. •Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid. •Attendance: Nowget your kids attendance details for all his/her school days ontoyour smartphone. Receive Instant notification when he/she isabsent. •Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid. PRISMS Communications
MMI 1.0.9
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool MMI in your school please visit our• Notification: Schools are able to send messages to parentsregarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or even specificmessage. Parents can set reminder against each notification theyreceive. School is also able to send attachments like document,excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages.•Fees: Complete Fee details of a student is available toparents directly on their smartphone. Details of paid fees andpending fees makes job of parents and school easy.•Gallery: Now School can share photos of all special eventsheld at school, with all the parents of school. Now share thehappiness with parents and make them more happy.•Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid.•Attendance: Now get your kids attendance details for allhis/her school days onto your smartphone. Receive Instantnotification when he/she is absent.•Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid.PRISMS Communications
Deep School 2.2.8
Deep School : Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students
MTEMS : Mother Teresa School 1.1.0
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool MTEMS:Mother Teresa School in your school please visitour website• Notification: Schools are able to send messages to parentsregarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or even specificmessage. Parents can set reminder against each notification theyreceive. School is also able to send attachments like document,excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages.•Fees: Complete Fee details of a student is available toparents directly on their smartphone. Details of paid fees andpending fees makes job of parents and school easy.•Gallery: Now School can share photos of all special eventsheld at school, with all the parents of school. Now share thehappiness with parents and make them more happy.•Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid.•Attendance: Now get your kids attendance details for allhis/her school days onto your smartphone. Receive Instantnotification when he/she is absent.•Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid.PRISMS Communications
Defence Career Academy 1.9.8
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool Defence Career Academy,Shivaji International school,Chattrapati shivaji Preparatory highschool,Chattrapati ShivajiPreparatory Junior college in your school please visit our • Notification: Schools are able to send messages toparents regarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or evenspecific message. Parents can set reminder against eachnotification they receive. School is also able to send attachmentslike document, excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages. •Fees:Complete Fee details of a student is available to parents directlyon their smartphone. Details of paid fees and pending fees makesjob of parents and school easy. •Gallery: Now School can sharephotos of all special events held at school, with all the parentsof school. Now share the happiness with parents and make them morehappy. •Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid. •Attendance: Nowget your kids attendance details for all his/her school days ontoyour smartphone. Receive Instant notification when he/she isabsent. •Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid. PRISMS Communications
Holy Faith English School 1.1.9
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool User needs a login at to use this app. Toimplement TopSchool Ashokraj International School in your schoolplease visit our website • Notification: Schools areable to send messages to parents regarding Daily Homework, SchoolAnnouncements or even specific message. Parents can set reminderagainst each notification they receive. School is also able to sendattachments like document, excel, image, PDF etc. along withmessages. •Fees: Complete Fee details of a student is available toparents directly on their smartphone. Details of paid fees andpending fees makes job of parents and school easy. •Gallery: NowSchool can share photos of all special events held at school, withall the parents of school. Now share the happiness with parents andmake them more happy. •Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders forany special event / activities on any future date. This will ensurethat they are never late to any special moment of their kid.•Attendance: Now get your kids attendance details for all his/herschool days onto your smartphone. Receive Instant notification whenhe/she is absent. •Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schoolswanting to meet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat withteachers using feedback. Request for appointment or discuss anyimportant matter regarding your kid. PRISMS Communications in yourschool please visit our website • Notification:Schools are able to send messages to parents regarding DailyHomework, School Announcements or even specific message. Parentscan set reminder against each notification they receive. School isalso able to send attachments like document, excel, image, PDF etc.along with messages. •Fees: Complete Fee details of a student isavailable to parents directly on their smartphone. Details of paidfees and pending fees makes job of parents and school easy.•Gallery: Now School can share photos of all special events held atschool, with all the parents of school. Now share the happinesswith parents and make them more happy. •Reminder: Help Parents toset reminders for any special event / activities on any futuredate. This will ensure that they are never late to any specialmoment of their kid. •Attendance: Now get your kids attendancedetails for all his/her school days onto your smartphone. ReceiveInstant notification when he/she is absent. •Feedback: Now no morewaiting outside schools wanting to meet teachers. Just login toTopschool and chat with teachers using feedback. Request forappointment or discuss any important matter regarding your kid.PRISMS Communications
TopClass 1.0.9
TopClass: Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students
Synapse Academy 1.1.9
Synapse Academy:Where academy & Parents work for better futureof students
FieldAgent 1.0
Easily log your data everyday.Log data about visits, add new clients easily with photosanddescription.Keep track of your activities.You and your boss both know of what you did and what youareplanning next.
Trakr 2.0
This app makes it easy to keep track of yourphone; use it to:• Track your phone throughout the day.• Track your vehicle by keeping the phone the vehicle.• Track your employees as an administrator• Track your vehicle remotelyReliable TrackerThis app can pinpoint the location of registered mobile devices,smart phones and even old school feature phones via the app’swebsite. Just log in as a driver or an administrator and you shouldbe able to track. Click on the icon to view the location of themissing mobile phone. It accesses GPS data to pinpoint the locationof missing phones.
CCPT 1.1.0
CCPT Tutorials:Where Classe & Parents work for better future ofstudents
PSBA 1.1.6
User needs a login at to use this app. To implementTopSchool PSBA School in your school please visit our • Notification: Schools are able to send messages toparents regarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or evenspecific message. Parents can set reminder against eachnotification they receive. School is also able to send attachmentslike document, excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages. •Fees:Complete Fee details of a student is available to parents directlyon their smartphone. Details of paid fees and pending fees makesjob of parents and school easy. •Gallery: Now School can sharephotos of all special events held at school, with all the parentsof school. Now share the happiness with parents and make them morehappy. •Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid. •Attendance: Nowget your kids attendance details for all his/her school days ontoyour smartphone. Receive Instant notification when he/she isabsent. •Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid. PRISMS Communications
Oyster School 6.4.1
Oyster School:Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students
Dr Y S Khedkar School 2.0.0
User needs a login at to use this app. To implement Dr YS Khedkar School in your school please visit our • Notification: Schools are able to send messages toparents regarding Daily Homework, School Announcements or evenspecific message. Parents can set reminder against eachnotification they receive. School is also able to send attachmentslike document, excel, image, PDF etc. along with messages. •Fees:Complete Fee details of a student is available to parents directlyon their smartphone. Details of paid fees and pending fees makesjob of parents and school easy. •Gallery: Now School can sharephotos of all special events held at school, with all the parentsof school. Now share the happiness with parents and make them morehappy. •Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders for any specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensure that theyare never late to any special moment of their kid. •Attendance: Nowget your kids attendance details for all his/her school days ontoyour smartphone. Receive Instant notification when he/she isabsent. •Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schools wanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat with teachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss any important matterregarding your kid. PRISMS Communications
DR Patil School 6.0.9
DRPS : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
Shri Chhatrapati Shivaji Mahavidyalaya ,Shrigonda 1.0.1
Create New For School Release make Sure you make copy ofothercustom app that way you no need to add anything differentcopypaste same data from other release but you need to make changesinname of school
SBEPSS : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
Holy Convent School ,Umbaraj 1.0.4
User needs a login at to use this app. ToimplementTopSchool Holy Convent School ,Umbaraj in your schoolplease visitour website • Notification: Schools areable to sendmessages to parents regarding Daily Homework, SchoolAnnouncementsor even specific message. Parents can set reminderagainst eachnotification they receive. School is also able to sendattachmentslike document, excel, image, PDF etc. along withmessages. •Fees:Complete Fee details of a student is available toparents directlyon their smartphone. Details of paid fees andpending fees makesjob of parents and school easy. •Gallery: NowSchool can sharephotos of all special events held at school, withall the parentsof school. Now share the happiness with parents andmake them morehappy. •Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders forany specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensurethat theyare never late to any special moment of their kid.•Attendance: Nowget your kids attendance details for all his/herschool days ontoyour smartphone. Receive Instant notification whenhe/she isabsent. •Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schoolswanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat withteachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss anyimportant matterregarding your kid. PRISMS Communications
Krishna Valley Advanced Agricu 6.4.2
KVAAF : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
JDCVM : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
Heritage India 1.0.5
HI has been vigorously working towards creating awareness aboutindia
PRESIDENCY : Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students
Indus Champs School 6.4.1
ICS : Where School & Parents work together for better future ofstudents
Shri Samartha Public School & 6.0.9
SSPSA: Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
New Beginning International Sc 6.0.9
NBIS : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
Free Methodist English High Sc 6.4.1
FMEHS : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
Hasti Public School & Jr. Coll 6.4.1
HPS: Where School & Parents work together for better future ofstudents
Matruvidyalaya 6.4.1
Matruvidyalaya : Where School & Parents work together forfuture of students
New Pune Public School 6.4.1
NPPS : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
MRDA 6.0.9
MRDA School: Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students.
Krishna School Karad 5.5.1
User needs a login at to use this app. ToimplementTopSchool Krishna School Karad in your school please visitourwebsite • Notification: Schools are able tosendmessages to parents regarding Daily Homework, SchoolAnnouncementsor even specific message. Parents can set reminderagainst eachnotification they receive. School is also able to sendattachmentslike document, excel, image, PDF etc. along withmessages. •Fees:Complete Fee details of a student is available toparents directlyon their smartphone. Details of paid fees andpending fees makesjob of parents and school easy. •Gallery: NowSchool can sharephotos of all special events held at school, withall the parentsof school. Now share the happiness with parents andmake them morehappy. •Reminder: Help Parents to set reminders forany specialevent / activities on any future date. This will ensurethat theyare never late to any special moment of their kid.•Attendance: Nowget your kids attendance details for all his/herschool days ontoyour smartphone. Receive Instant notification whenhe/she isabsent. •Feedback: Now no more waiting outside schoolswanting tomeet teachers. Just login to Topschool and chat withteachers usingfeedback. Request for appointment or discuss anyimportant matterregarding your kid. PRISMS Communications
Leokids 6.0.9
Leokids : Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students
Novel International School 6.4.1
novel : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
Saraswati English Medium Schoo 6.4.1
SEMS : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
TopSchool-Teacher 2.0.15
TopSchool: Where School and Parents work together for better futureof students.
SMS Eng Med School 6.4.1
SMS School : Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students
Bharati Vidyapeeth Schools 6.4.1
Bharati Vidyapeeth App:Where School & Parents work for betterfuture of students
Shikshan Mandal Karad , Alumni 1.5
Alumni : Where School & Parents work together for better futureof students
Krishnam School 6.4.1
Topschool:Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students.
Cambridge International School 5.5.1
User needs a login at to use this app. ToimplementTopSchool Cambridge International School in your schoolpleasevisit our website • Notification: Schools areable tosend messages to parents regarding Daily Homework,SchoolAnnouncements or even specific message. Parents can setreminderagainst each notification they receive. School is also ableto sendattachments like document, excel, image, PDF etc. alongwithmessages. •Fees: Complete Fee details of a student is availabletoparents directly on their smartphone. Details of paid feesandpending fees makes job of parents and school easy. •Gallery:NowSchool can share photos of all special events held at school,withall the parents of school. Now share the happiness with parentsandmake them more happy. •Reminder: Help Parents to set remindersforany special event / activities on any future date. This willensurethat they are never late to any special moment of theirkid.•Attendance: Now get your kids attendance details for allhis/herschool days onto your smartphone. Receive Instantnotification whenhe/she is absent. •Feedback: Now no more waitingoutside schoolswanting to meet teachers. Just login to Topschooland chat withteachers using feedback. Request for appointment ordiscuss anyimportant matter regarding your kid. PRISMSCommunications
Vidyarthi vichar pratishthan 6.0.9
VVP : Where School & Parents work together for better future ofstudents
Sanskar Balak Mandir 6.0.9
SBM : Where School & Parents work together for better future ofstudents
Credence Edutech 6.4.1
Credence : Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students
Shahu Academy Satara 6.4.1
Shahu Academy:Where School & Parents work together for betterfuture of students
Sanskar Primary School 6.0.4
SPS : Where School & Parents work together for better future ofstudents